​"We make a living by what we do, but we make a life by what we give". Winston Churchill
Currently Needed
​Donate Your Time
Are you interested in volunteering for the heARTS organization? Please send the following information to hearts4arts@hotmail.com or submit it in the contact form by clicking here: Your name, age, phone number, school, address, e-mail address.
We appreciate your commitment to the arts!
Monetarily Donate
heARTS is proud to help schools and organizations across the country improve their fine and visual arts departments. You can monetarily donate on-line, or by sending your donation in the mail. To donate on-line, click the button below.
Organize a Project or Fundraiser
We love to have as many people as possible working on behalf of students everywhere to provide arts opportunities. Here are just a few ideas on how you can start your own heARTS Project or Fundraiser – and don’t worry if you’re not sure how to get started. Just contact us and we will help you work out all of the details!
Some of our project ideas include: Instrument Petting Zoo, School Supply Drive, Instrument Drive, After School Creative Clubs, Share Your Art with heARTS Day, heARTS for Haiti gift bags, Costume Collection, Backpacks of Inspiration, Identify arts teachers in your area, direct them to heARTs and have them make a request, Film a video with children at a local hospital or shelter
Here are a few fundraising Ideas: Collect donations for heARTS at your school’s concert or talent show, Hold your own art show and donate the proceeds to heARTS, Do a Facebook/Twitter campaign and help us increase our followers, Lemonade Stand/Bake Sale, Handcraft your own jewelry, Hold a walk-a-thon/jog-a-thon. Better yet, make it a play-a-thon, sing-a-thon or dance-a-thon!, Produce your own play and let people pay what they can to attend. Have any proceeds go to heARTS, Put info about heARTS in your next concert or show program.
Become an Area Director
Do you love the arts as much as we do and want to make sure all children have access to the arts in your area? Then you should consider joining us as a heARTS Area Director! It’s a great way to meet people, develop leadership skills, earn community service hours, and bring a lot of joy to kids in your community. To become an area director, Click here to e-mail us. Include in your e-mail your name, grade, age, address, phone number, and school.
​Then tell us why you want to work with us. Let us know what the needs are in your community and how you think you can help heARTS keep the arts in your area. If we are able to establish a Director in your community, we will contact you to discuss how we can work together. It’s that simple!
Donations are also accepted by mail:
300 Cassidy Avenue
Lexington, KY 40502